Kirsten Staalesen

Primary Care Handler

Kirsten has always loved dogs, but she began her professional dog-walking journey in January 2024 after spending some time taking care of her family’s dogs while they had to travel. From walks to park outings and basic training, she embraced how much she enjoyed enriching dogs’ lives and turned that passion into a career.

She loves the enthusiastic greetings from dogs at the door and the satisfaction of seeing them tired and happy after a fun walk. Kirsten likes to treat every dog like a special guest, focusing on plenty of exercise, exploration, and affection to ensure they feel cared for and enriched.

A lifelong Baltimore resident, Kirsten appreciates Maryland’s diverse neighborhoods, from winding country roads to busy cities. She loves to make and discover music and check out local bands and open mic nights. She’s dedicated to keeping dogs safe, happy, and thriving, and she hopes to work in a shelter one day to continue helping animals in need.